How to get a job in 14 days in a new country

2 min readNov 2, 2021


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Most people find it very difficult to find their first job in a new country. You are like a new born baby with a new identity to the country you are moving. So how do you able to get a job within a short period time? I would like to explain this with my own practical experiences, which I got my job within 14 days even during this COVID-19 pandemic time. I would like to summarize the key main strategies that I used to get my first job quickly.

1. Setup with new environment as quickly as possible

Setting up with new environment is one of the most difficult part to any person whom going overseas. You have to setup everything from scratch such as required registrations, apartment, mobile number, bank account, bus passes, etc. Sooner you fix, sooner you can start working. Don’t expect anyone to come and do work for you. Do everything by yourself. It is a great self learning.

2. Make a one page simple resume

Initially my resume was 4 pages with all unnecessary details for the employers. Once I cut down it to one page, I started hearing from my applied employers.

3. Apply any part-time job online and apply in-person

If you check online career websites, you will see lot of part-time job openings. Many multinational companies prefer online applications. However, there are lot of other medium and small scale businesses running around which require man power. Therefore visiting in person will give you an added advantage if the manager is working while you visit the place. If manager is not there, visit again on a different time and check. You will be lucky if you able to see manager and have an interview time directly from him/her.

4. Take the first job, don’t loose the opportunity

It always hard to get your first job. Your first job will open up lot of opportunities to you. It is the best place to understand about different people and different job roles. Also you will be able to build up your network through your job. However part-time jobs have not much obligations. If you feel hard to work, you can always look for another. If you feel good, you will become one of the best employees in the work.

This is from my personal experiences. So if you are new to a country, don’t think you have lot of savings. Focus on your career and earn for living. I hope that these advices will help you to get a job within a very short period of time.

Good luck!!!




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